Voir déjà parmi les wnbr au USA qui sont donc autorisées à https://www.wnbr.fr/?s=usa

Cela dépends des états, c’est interdit dans certains états et autorisés d’être nus en public dans d’autres. Voir https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indecent_exposure_in_the_United_States

LOS ANGELES: (depuis https://wnbrla.com/body-positivity )



Its your constitutional right but:

just obey the law.

Nude is NOT lewd.

However, SEXUAL AND/OR LEWD CONDUCT IN PUBLIC IS ILLEGAL, and will not be tolerated at the World Naked Bike Ride.

The ride is in a public place, and the rules for good behavior are the same as for any other public place. 

If you would’nt do it in front of a police officer, don’t do it here.

California Penal Code section 314 (a misdemeanor) prohibits conduct that is intended to direct public attention to his or her genitals for purposes of sexual arousal, gratification, or affront where there are other persons present to be offended or annoyed.

Every person convicted of violating section 314.1 must register as a sex offender for the rest of his or her life. 

California Penal Code 647(a) (a misdemeanor)prohibits the touching, in public view, the genitals, buttocks, or female breasts for the purpose of sexual arousal, gratification, annoyance or offense, if the person knows or should know that the other persons who might be offended may be present.

Simple nudity (such as sunbathing, skinny dipping or participating in the WNBRLA) is NOT prohibited under penal codes 314.1 or 647(a).

Los Angeles City Ordinance Chapter Vl, Article 3 section  63.44.20 prohibits nudity, including exposure of female breasts in city operated parks, playgrounds, beaches, and any waters adjacent thereto.  

Since the WNBRLA does not enter any of the specific areas mentioned in the ordinance, nudity is legal along the route. 

Traduction google améliorée en Francais :

Est-il légal d’être nu lors de la Cyclonue WNBR ?

C’est votre droit constitutionnel mais:

il faut juste obéir à la loi.

La nudité n’est pas obscène.

Toutefois, le comportement sexuel et / ou passif en public est illégal et ne sera pas toléré lors de la World Naked Bike Ride.

Le circuit se trouve dans un lieu public et les règles de bonne conduite sont les mêmes que pour tout autre lieu public.

Ce que vous ne faites pas devant un policier, ne le faites pas ici.

L’article 314 du Code pénal de Californie (un délit) interdit toute conduite destinée à attirer l’attention du public sur ses organes génitaux à des fins d’excitation sexuelle, de gratification ou d’affrontement lorsqu’il y a d’autres personnes à offenser ou à contrarier.

Toute personne reconnue coupable d’avoir enfreint l’article 314.1 doit s’inscrire comme délinquant sexuel jusqu’à la fin de ses jours.

Code pénal californien 647 (a) (un délit) interdit de toucher, à la vue du public, les organes génitaux, les fesses ou les seins d’une femme à des fins d’excitation sexuelle, de gratification, d’irritation ou de délit, si la personne sait ou devrait savoir que l’autre des personnes susceptibles d’être offensées peuvent être présentes.

La nudité simple (comme prendre un bain de soleil, faire un plongeon simple ou de participer à la WNBR Los Angeles ) N’EST PAS interdite par les codes pénaux 314.1 ou 647 (a).

L’article 63.44.20 de l’article 3 du chapitre Vl de l’ordonnance de la ville de Los Angeles interdit la nudité, y compris l’exposition des seins des femmes dans les parcs, les terrains de jeux, les plages et les eaux adjacentes exploités par la ville.

Comme la WNBR Los Angeles n’entre dans aucune des zones spécifiques mentionnées dans l’ordonnance, la nudité est légale le long du parcours.

SAN FRANCISCO , voir https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_nudity_in_San_Francisco

For over a century, the city of San Francisco, California allowed unrestricted public nudity. In 2012, the city changed the law to require a police-issued parade permit for such displays of public nudity. Legality The California Supreme Court, in In Re Smith (1972), held that sunbathing on an isolated beach was not lewd.[1] In subsequent cases that principle has been upheld and extended.[citation needed] There is a rarely enforced anti-nudity civil ordinance in the parks of San Francisco, including Golden Gate Park. This was put in place in 1970 in response to hippies dancing nude in a circle every Sunday in Speedway Meadow in Golden Gate Park.[2][better source needed] In 1969, Carol Doda began go-go dancing bottomless at the Condor Club on Broadway and Columbus in North Beach (she had been dancing topless at the Condor since 1964).[3][better source needed] Soon nude dancers began dancing at various clubs in North Beach. Three gay bars featured nude go-go dancing between 1969 and 1972. However, because of complaints, in the summer of 1972, California banned nudity in places that serve alcohol.[4][better source needed] In September 2011, nudists gathered to protest a proposed ordinance that would put some restrictions on public nudity in San Francisco.[5] This ordinance was superseded in December 2012 by a ban on public nudity in San Francisco, proposed by Scott Wiener.[6][clarification needed] The ordinance passed on November 20, 2012 by a 6-5 vote by the Board of Supervisors was Ordinance 234-12.[7][better source needed] The passage of the ordinance received some national press coverage.[8][9][10] A suit to block the ordinance was rejected by a federal judge.[11][12][13] As of 2013, public nudity without a parade permit is illegal in San Francisco according to SF Police Code § 154 (under Article 2: Disorderly Conduct).[14][15][better source needed] Specifically, subsection e of the ordinance, which criminalizes nudity and makes it a possible misdemeanor, reads: e. Upon the third or subsequent conviction under this Section 154 with in twelve months of the first violation, such person shall be guilty of an infraction or a misdemeanor. The complaint charging such violation shall specify whether, in the discretion of the District Attorney, the violation is an infraction or a misdemeanor. If charged as an infraction, upon conviction, the violator shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500. If charged as a misdemeanor, upon conviction, the violator shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500 or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period not to exceed one year or by both such fine and imprisonment. Female toplessness was not affected by the ordinance and is still allowed throughout the city.[16]
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